Once Upon a Scalar Sky…
Well it’s the New Year, and from all accounts it would seem the ‘powers that be’ have (for the time being at least) abandoned their weather control in the Mary Valley, and in so doing have granted the residents of that area a reprieve from their merciless onslaughts. The result is that rain is coming regularly enough to have greened things, although more rain is now needed to refill dams to their former ‘pre-drought’ levels.
But elsewhere is a different matter!
In this photo a large hole is forming in the light cloud cover and a ‘tag trail’ is being laid to mark the spot. November 2006 – Noosa Heads, QLD - Australia
For at least the last 5-6 weeks (longer in some areas) other regions of Queensland have been getting a veritable scalar hammering!
My first hand chemtrail/scalar weather experience is mainly in the Noosa Heads area where our normally clear blue sky has been regularly (and lately routinely) subjected to consistent chemtrail laying - the very visible fluorescent ‘marker’ type as above, and the new ‘invisible’ kind.
Invisible? Indeed! In the last few months there are days where I hear planes rumbling in our skies all day long, quite aside from the normal commercial air traffic that passes over on a regular basis, which can be clearly identified. The ‘rumblers’ are so high up they cannot even be seen by the naked eye, and very often they work on days where there is significant cloud. But with all that constant rumbling away up there, they’re definitely up to something! I have deduced they are now spraying a substance invisible to the naked eye instead of the regular massed and visible chemtrails we used to see trailing in patterns all over the sky. But as usual, the inevitable scalar onslaughts accompany the trails – invisible or not.
See http://www.weatherwars.info/index.php
Typical scalar signatures in the Noosa Heads cloud. Compare with the normal-looking cloud outside of the scalar target area. Normal cloud does NOT form tiny lines that span in all directions at once! This targeted cloud is being deliberately broken up with scalar interferometers, and these ones above completely disappeared within another minute or so of taking this photo on the 5th January 2007.
Why the invisible trails? Well what a great way to hide what they’re doing would be my answer. I have always believed the chemical trails served a duel purpose. It seems they are necessary for marking a target area, and in addition, it appears they are also necessary for tracking the interferometry as it ‘does its job’. They would have to watch it closely to see if what they’re doing has the desired affect, wouldn’t they? What better way than spraying something radar trackable that will take the same frequency form as the clouds they are manipulating?
Also, people were starting to cotton on to the ‘high strangeness’ of all the obvious non-contrail chemtrails (there is a massive difference between chemtrails and contrails – see below), so it would seem the controllers have developed ‘something’ that cannot be seen by us on the ground – possibly extremely fine metallic particles that would heat up in the atmosphere to become easily tracked by space-based infra-red ‘heat-seeking’ technology, or possibly even some sort of magnetic imagery. But whatever is in the new ‘brew’ it is obviously a necessary part of the over all scalar activity they are carrying out, as the spraying always goes with the scalar.
As a result of all this sky rumbling and invisible spraying, we now get far fewer visible chemtrails than we used to, and the ones we do see now are almost always shorter (quite thick and stubby usually) and are much brighter than chemtrails used to be – so bright in fact they glow fluorescent in the sunlight, which in itself makes them quite distinct from jet vapor trails (contrails) and other streaky-type cloud that may be present at the time. Unlike short-duration contrails, and just like all other chemical trails, these ‘fluoro’ trails remain in the sky for considerable lengths of time without dissipating. I would suggest these are laid for the purpose of ‘marker-tagging’ which assists those carrying out the scalar manipulating using space-based technology – undoubtedly it helps them zone in to the target area, as these trails would stand out like the proverbial ‘dogs balls’ looking down from above!
In itself, scalar ‘electromagnetic frequency’ technology is truly amazing, and if used intelligently and ethically, it is something that could have great benefits for humanity. Scalar has filtered into mainstream, and has quietly been developed for use in
medical imagingBut the ‘black projects’ have been developing this technology for many decades (also on the quiet) and have steered their research towards weapons development. As such, we now have weather weapons of mass destruction. If you are still in any doubt about what this technology can do and what it has already done, check out the images while reading the REAL story behind
Hurricane Katrina.
If they were using scalar with consensual citizenry agreement for the purpose of changing our weather for the betterment of ALL (e.g. dissipating killer tornados thus preventing their potential for mayhem, or for herding rain towards drought stricken areas, and even for dessert ‘greening’ projects), then naturally we would all be a lot better off. But instead they have created weather weapons for doing quite the opposite i.e. destroying property and callously ruining lives of anyone whom they please! Make no mistake, those responsible for conducting these ‘experiments’ above our heads are callous mongrels working to some sort of covert agenda that suits THEM – an agenda they have no intention of sharing with us! As usual, something potentially so ‘good’ is in the wrong hands – those least likely to be trusted with it.
Still not convinced we are being sprayed with chemicals? Well in the video linked below, there are many chemtrails of the kind you CAN see! If this doesn’t convince you something is horribly wrong in our skies, then nothing ever will.
Clouds of Death
Perhaps you’re still not convinced we are being routinely ‘scalared’?
Well take a look at these images……..
The image at the top shows what scalar looks like when captures by satellite imagry. The smaller photos are examples of the various ‘weird’ cloud formations caused by those who are tampering with nature. Special thanks to Scott Stevens for these images. http://www.weatherwars.info
As has been the case with chemtrails, the reason most people lack prior awareness about scalar is because even the most basic knowledge of this technology (and its full potential) have been deliberately kept out of the public ‘mainstream’ arena. As such, the
Miriam Webster dictionary defines “scalar” as follows:
Main Entry: 1sca·lar
Pronunciation: 'skA-l&r-, -"lär
Function: adjectiveEtymology: Latin scalaris, from scalae stairs, ladder -- more at SCALE
1 : having an uninterrupted series of steps : GRADUATED
2 a : capable of being represented by a point on a scale b : of or relating to a scalar or scalar product
This is all very nice, but clearly there is a missing reference to the “frequency” technology, so I will add a third definition here:
3 a : ‘Tapable’ longitudinal EM electromagnetic energy waves from the
vacuum/time domain of space-time. B : Use of time as a form of compressed
energy CE=tc2, c: waves of time, phase conjugated wave pairs that can be
harnessed and directed.
Please don’t just take my word for any of this. Instead, I suggest you take a ‘quick fix’ to get yourself up to speed on scalar electromagnetic. Please see…
Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
by Bill Morgan
Weather Wars
Scott Stevens’s amazing website:
I have been watching the skies in my local area for many years, and I can remember the first time I witnessed chemtrails and scalar in our sky. It was mid 2002, but that’s not to say it had not been occurring earlier. Since that time, like most other regions of Australia, the Noosa Heads area has been subjected to regular bouts of the ‘sky phenomena’ known as chemtrails accompanied by scalar cloud signatures. All of which is officially denied by our authorities….of course! Like others who are aware, I have witnessed the planes laying the trails and then I have watched as the clouds changed striations due to the affect of scalar interferometry that always accompanies the trails.
While my name alludes to my being green, I am certainly not a cabbage! I think, I reason and I use my intuition - I know what I’ve been seeing in our sky is NOT normal. Far from it! By now I hope you will have figured this out also. If not, start taking note of what you see in your sky. Begin to monitor it as I have done. There are now many of us doing this and sooner or later we will reach a critical mass of people.
Examples of “square cut” clouds
Again, thanks to Scott Stevens for images.
What to look for?
Well I have seen cloud gather around long-lasting chemical trails, eventually forming a mass of cloud cover (in those particular areas) that wasn’t there prior, and in what would otherwise have been a clear blue sky. This is more difficult to monitor now the bulk of chemtrails are invisible, but when you hear the planes, you will know ‘something’ is coming next. Like me, you will notice cloud that started out looking normal, begin to get ‘chopped up’ into many fine lines, often lines both ways forming checker or grid patterns, which effectively break down the cloud until it dissipates. I have seen holes appear (see also my photo at the top of this article), I have seen the squares (as above) I have seen heavy rain clouds literally steered away from certain areas where they were headed, determinedly diverted off their natural course by the interference of equally heavy scalar activity. See my previous article on the Mary Valley.
I have seen the tell-tale hazy chemtrail rainbows, also those that now appear round the sun and the moon, which indicates some form of chemical in the atmosphere. Until a few years ago this was an affect my family and I had never seen before. If you look, sooner or later you will notice these things also.
(left) Hazy sun rainbow (right) Chemtrail rainbow
It is daunting to watch as clouds are methodically and uniformly rowed-up to form long streaks heading in the opposite direction to all the other clouds present! Sometimes the rows are all bunched up in groupings of lines all heading in different directions! Watching normal cloud transform into square cuts (an affect that nature cannot achieve without help), and seeing the fine meshed grids, and ‘lacey’ looking clouds suddenly appear out of a previously formless cloud mass is quite un-nerving. I have also seen the dirty haze in our sky that never used to be there prior to the ‘trails’. I have to say I do NOT like what I am seeing, and I am NOT convinced weather manipulation is the ONLY purpose for which this these chemical trails and all this scalar in our skies is being used.
With this new ‘covert’ technology, experts say the potential for mind-control on a mass scale is now possible – maybe even probable! The equipment to carry out this function is very likely already in place in certain nations…..possibly ALL nations can be subjected to global space-based equipment mind-control frequencies, and of course there is also HAARP
I’m sure you’d have to agree there is definitely the potential for the unscrupulous agents of the New World Order to mentally enslave whole populations with merely the twist of a few dials……if it suited them to do so!
This HAARP facility in Alaska has the potential for mind-control on a mass scale.
But who would know for sure what ‘they’re up to’….they ain’t telling, but I do know for certain that none of these covert activities are for the greater good of humanity, and on scalar days I awaken feeling ‘seedy’ as though I’m suffering a ‘morning-after’ hangover… alcohol is NOT involved here. Before even opening my eyes, I can predict if there will be scalar in the early morning sky or not, simply by the way I am feeling. Others who are sensitive to energy have reported the same affect. Not only that, various known chemicals in the chemtrail ‘gunge’ (aluminum and barium to name a couple of them) make some people feel quite ill, and leave others feeling depressed. It can also restrict lung functioning and the ability to breathe properly.
But all of this is just another aspect of the ugly ‘greater’ story this music video pretty much sums up!
Power Game