Monday, January 29, 2007

Enemies in our midst, but where are all the patriots?

Well Australia Day ‘weekend’ is over for another year, and only the stubborn hangover’s remain. Aussies have done their annual patriotic duty – they’ve rallied together in groups (small and large), they’ve painted their faces red white and blue, and they’ve proudly carried our nation’s flag in celebration of our great country and lifestyle.

Family fun on Australia Day

I know the vast majority of Australians love their country and their lifestyle, and I am most certainly one of them! On Australia Day the working population gets an official ‘day off’ to celebrate our great country, and the masses are enthusiastically encouraged by officialdom and an enthusiastic media, to enter into states of glassy-eyed romanticism and nostalgia for our Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi, oi, oi! On this day the whole of Australia will sing her praises and speak of her greatness, often in shows of flamboyant ‘in-your-face’ flag waving and other unruly exhibitionism, much of which ends in mass drinking binges and the aforementioned hangovers!

I have NOTHING against any of these things (providing nobody gets hurt of course), but as Australia slept off its collective hangover on Saturday morning, a silent enemy waged war on the good folk of Brisbane, and it seemed few cared about that.

Scalar clouds in the Brisbane sky Sat 27th January 2007

Other than Michael who reads my blog and sent me these photos (thankyou Michael!), I wondered if other Brisbane folk had noticed those unusual ‘false’ clouds in the sky? If they did, I wondered if they may have pondered what was going on up there, because as sky watchers will tell you, these are anything but ‘normal’ clouds! But until enough people do realize these clouds are caused by the use of weather weapon technology and they’re being used right under (or should I say “above”) our noses, what is a concerned Aussie to do about this situation….other than keep trying to tell people to look up and take notice? This of course is something I have been doing for some years now, and recently I started this blog to try and reach more people, but am I wasting my time? It seems too few care about such things. Why they don’t seem to care about something as urgent and as important as a war being waged above Australia is beyond me! Is Australian society already too ‘dumbed down’ to give two-hoots?

So the day after Australia Day while Michael was seeing these false clouds in Brisbane, I was working outside in my garden at Noosa Heads hearing what I call ‘the rumblers’ working from morning till dusk (
see my previous article) and watching the scalar formations in the overcast sky above. As I worked I began to feel a little annoyed as I wondered how ‘great’ is Australia really, when our government is allowing this toxic ghastliness to take place in our skies? How ‘great’ is our citizenry if they are so non-alert or non-caring they allow this to go on?

Another scalar day in Noosa

Maybe I'm wrong, it seems to me that patriotism and the love of one’s country should be more about caring about what goes on here EVERY DAY, and less about singing your country’s praises on a designated day of the year. To be fair, there is more than just one designated annual occasion where patriotism is encouraged. Take for instance those frenzied sporting events where our country pits its finest against those of another… and lest we forget that other one-day-a- year ritual where the masses purchase poppies and rise at dawn to walk their show of support for all those brave Aussie’s who died fighting to keep our country so great.

As I weeded away in my garden I wondered what all those brave dead Aussie soldiers would say if they knew the good folk of the country they fought and died for to keep it safe, were far too busy amusing themselves at the beach, the pub and at sporting events to even look up and see the enemy waging a war above their heads, let alone do something about it? I bet they’d be very shocked and want to know “where have all the Aussies gone”? Where have all the patriots gone?

I’d like to know too.

Lime – Jan 2007


At 3:20 PM, Blogger Navya said...

Well written article . Thanks for sharing..
Photogrammetry company in India


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