Monday, January 29, 2007

Enemies in our midst, but where are all the patriots?

Well Australia Day ‘weekend’ is over for another year, and only the stubborn hangover’s remain. Aussies have done their annual patriotic duty – they’ve rallied together in groups (small and large), they’ve painted their faces red white and blue, and they’ve proudly carried our nation’s flag in celebration of our great country and lifestyle.

Family fun on Australia Day

I know the vast majority of Australians love their country and their lifestyle, and I am most certainly one of them! On Australia Day the working population gets an official ‘day off’ to celebrate our great country, and the masses are enthusiastically encouraged by officialdom and an enthusiastic media, to enter into states of glassy-eyed romanticism and nostalgia for our Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi, oi, oi! On this day the whole of Australia will sing her praises and speak of her greatness, often in shows of flamboyant ‘in-your-face’ flag waving and other unruly exhibitionism, much of which ends in mass drinking binges and the aforementioned hangovers!

I have NOTHING against any of these things (providing nobody gets hurt of course), but as Australia slept off its collective hangover on Saturday morning, a silent enemy waged war on the good folk of Brisbane, and it seemed few cared about that.

Scalar clouds in the Brisbane sky Sat 27th January 2007

Other than Michael who reads my blog and sent me these photos (thankyou Michael!), I wondered if other Brisbane folk had noticed those unusual ‘false’ clouds in the sky? If they did, I wondered if they may have pondered what was going on up there, because as sky watchers will tell you, these are anything but ‘normal’ clouds! But until enough people do realize these clouds are caused by the use of weather weapon technology and they’re being used right under (or should I say “above”) our noses, what is a concerned Aussie to do about this situation….other than keep trying to tell people to look up and take notice? This of course is something I have been doing for some years now, and recently I started this blog to try and reach more people, but am I wasting my time? It seems too few care about such things. Why they don’t seem to care about something as urgent and as important as a war being waged above Australia is beyond me! Is Australian society already too ‘dumbed down’ to give two-hoots?

So the day after Australia Day while Michael was seeing these false clouds in Brisbane, I was working outside in my garden at Noosa Heads hearing what I call ‘the rumblers’ working from morning till dusk (
see my previous article) and watching the scalar formations in the overcast sky above. As I worked I began to feel a little annoyed as I wondered how ‘great’ is Australia really, when our government is allowing this toxic ghastliness to take place in our skies? How ‘great’ is our citizenry if they are so non-alert or non-caring they allow this to go on?

Another scalar day in Noosa

Maybe I'm wrong, it seems to me that patriotism and the love of one’s country should be more about caring about what goes on here EVERY DAY, and less about singing your country’s praises on a designated day of the year. To be fair, there is more than just one designated annual occasion where patriotism is encouraged. Take for instance those frenzied sporting events where our country pits its finest against those of another… and lest we forget that other one-day-a- year ritual where the masses purchase poppies and rise at dawn to walk their show of support for all those brave Aussie’s who died fighting to keep our country so great.

As I weeded away in my garden I wondered what all those brave dead Aussie soldiers would say if they knew the good folk of the country they fought and died for to keep it safe, were far too busy amusing themselves at the beach, the pub and at sporting events to even look up and see the enemy waging a war above their heads, let alone do something about it? I bet they’d be very shocked and want to know “where have all the Aussies gone”? Where have all the patriots gone?

I’d like to know too.

Lime – Jan 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

Once upon a scalar sky

Once Upon a Scalar Sky…

Well it’s the New Year, and from all accounts it would seem the ‘powers that be’ have (for the time being at least) abandoned their weather control in the Mary Valley, and in so doing have granted the residents of that area a reprieve from their merciless onslaughts. The result is that rain is coming regularly enough to have greened things, although more rain is now needed to refill dams to their former ‘pre-drought’ levels.

But elsewhere is a different matter!

In this photo a large hole is forming in the light cloud cover and a ‘tag trail’ is being laid to mark the spot. November 2006 – Noosa Heads, QLD - Australia

For at least the last 5-6 weeks (longer in some areas) other regions of Queensland have been getting a veritable scalar hammering!

My first hand chemtrail/scalar weather experience is mainly in the Noosa Heads area where our normally clear blue sky has been regularly (and lately routinely) subjected to consistent chemtrail laying - the very visible fluorescent ‘marker’ type as above, and the new ‘invisible’ kind.

Invisible? Indeed! In the last few months there are days where I hear planes rumbling in our skies all day long, quite aside from the normal commercial air traffic that passes over on a regular basis, which can be clearly identified. The ‘rumblers’ are so high up they cannot even be seen by the naked eye, and very often they work on days where there is significant cloud. But with all that constant rumbling away up there, they’re definitely up to something! I have deduced they are now spraying a substance invisible to the naked eye instead of the regular massed and visible chemtrails we used to see trailing in patterns all over the sky. But as usual, the inevitable scalar onslaughts accompany the trails – invisible or not.


Typical scalar signatures in the Noosa Heads cloud. Compare with the normal-looking cloud outside of the scalar target area. Normal cloud does NOT form tiny lines that span in all directions at once! This targeted cloud is being deliberately broken up with scalar interferometers, and these ones above completely disappeared within another minute or so of taking this photo on the 5th January 2007.

Why the invisible trails? Well what a great way to hide what they’re doing would be my answer. I have always believed the chemical trails served a duel purpose. It seems they are necessary for marking a target area, and in addition, it appears they are also necessary for tracking the interferometry as it ‘does its job’. They would have to watch it closely to see if what they’re doing has the desired affect, wouldn’t they? What better way than spraying something radar trackable that will take the same frequency form as the clouds they are manipulating?

Also, people were starting to cotton on to the ‘high strangeness’ of all the obvious non-contrail chemtrails (there is a massive difference between chemtrails and contrails – see below), so it would seem the controllers have developed ‘something’ that cannot be seen by us on the ground – possibly extremely fine metallic particles that would heat up in the atmosphere to become easily tracked by space-based infra-red ‘heat-seeking’ technology, or possibly even some sort of magnetic imagery. But whatever is in the new ‘brew’ it is obviously a necessary part of the over all scalar activity they are carrying out, as the spraying always goes with the scalar.

There is a huge difference!
Photo courtesy of

As a result of all this sky rumbling and invisible spraying, we now get far fewer visible chemtrails than we used to, and the ones we do see now are almost always shorter (quite thick and stubby usually) and are much brighter than chemtrails used to be – so bright in fact they glow fluorescent in the sunlight, which in itself makes them quite distinct from jet vapor trails (contrails) and other streaky-type cloud that may be present at the time. Unlike short-duration contrails, and just like all other chemical trails, these ‘fluoro’ trails remain in the sky for considerable lengths of time without dissipating. I would suggest these are laid for the purpose of ‘marker-tagging’ which assists those carrying out the scalar manipulating using space-based technology – undoubtedly it helps them zone in to the target area, as these trails would stand out like the proverbial ‘dogs balls’ looking down from above!

In itself, scalar ‘electromagnetic frequency’ technology is truly amazing, and if used intelligently and ethically, it is something that could have great benefits for humanity. Scalar has filtered into mainstream, and has quietly been developed for use in medical imaging

But the ‘black projects’ have been developing this technology for many decades (also on the quiet) and have steered their research towards weapons development. As such, we now have weather weapons of mass destruction. If you are still in any doubt about what this technology can do and what it has already done, check out the images while reading the REAL story behind Hurricane Katrina.

If they were using scalar with consensual citizenry agreement for the purpose of changing our weather for the betterment of ALL (e.g. dissipating killer tornados thus preventing their potential for mayhem, or for herding rain towards drought stricken areas, and even for dessert ‘greening’ projects), then naturally we would all be a lot better off. But instead they have created weather weapons for doing quite the opposite i.e. destroying property and callously ruining lives of anyone whom they please! Make no mistake, those responsible for conducting these ‘experiments’ above our heads are callous mongrels working to some sort of covert agenda that suits THEM – an agenda they have no intention of sharing with us! As usual, something potentially so ‘good’ is in the wrong hands – those least likely to be trusted with it.

Still not convinced we are being sprayed with chemicals? Well in the video linked below, there are many chemtrails of the kind you CAN see! If this doesn’t convince you something is horribly wrong in our skies, then nothing ever will.

Clouds of Death

Perhaps you’re still not convinced we are being routinely ‘scalared’?

Well take a look at these images……..

The image at the top shows what scalar looks like when captures by satellite imagry. The smaller photos are examples of the various ‘weird’ cloud formations caused by those who are tampering with nature. Special thanks to Scott Stevens for these images.

As has been the case with chemtrails, the reason most people lack prior awareness about scalar is because even the most basic knowledge of this technology (and its full potential) have been deliberately kept out of the public ‘mainstream’ arena. As such, the Miriam Webster dictionary defines “scalar” as follows:
Main Entry: 1sca·lar
Pronunciation: 'skA-l&r-, -"lär
Function: adjectiveEtymology: Latin scalaris, from scalae stairs, ladder -- more at SCALE
1 : having an uninterrupted series of steps : GRADUATED
2 a : capable of being represented by a point on a scale b : of or relating to a scalar or scalar product
This is all very nice, but clearly there is a missing reference to the “frequency” technology, so I will add a third definition here:
3 a : ‘Tapable’ longitudinal EM electromagnetic energy waves from the
vacuum/time domain of space-time. B : Use of time as a form of compressed
energy CE=tc2, c: waves of time, phase conjugated wave pairs that can be
harnessed and directed.
Please don’t just take my word for any of this. Instead, I suggest you take a ‘quick fix’ to get yourself up to speed on scalar electromagnetic. Please see…

Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
by Bill Morgan

Weather Wars
Scott Stevens’s amazing website:

I have been watching the skies in my local area for many years, and I can remember the first time I witnessed chemtrails and scalar in our sky. It was mid 2002, but that’s not to say it had not been occurring earlier. Since that time, like most other regions of Australia, the Noosa Heads area has been subjected to regular bouts of the ‘sky phenomena’ known as chemtrails accompanied by scalar cloud signatures. All of which is officially denied by our authorities….of course! Like others who are aware, I have witnessed the planes laying the trails and then I have watched as the clouds changed striations due to the affect of scalar interferometry that always accompanies the trails.

While my name alludes to my being green, I am certainly not a cabbage! I think, I reason and I use my intuition - I know what I’ve been seeing in our sky is NOT normal. Far from it! By now I hope you will have figured this out also. If not, start taking note of what you see in your sky. Begin to monitor it as I have done. There are now many of us doing this and sooner or later we will reach a critical mass of people.

Examples of “square cut” clouds
Again, thanks to Scott Stevens for images.

What to look for?

Well I have seen cloud gather around long-lasting chemical trails, eventually forming a mass of cloud cover (in those particular areas) that wasn’t there prior, and in what would otherwise have been a clear blue sky. This is more difficult to monitor now the bulk of chemtrails are invisible, but when you hear the planes, you will know ‘something’ is coming next. Like me, you will notice cloud that started out looking normal, begin to get ‘chopped up’ into many fine lines, often lines both ways forming checker or grid patterns, which effectively break down the cloud until it dissipates. I have seen holes appear
(see also my photo at the top of this article), I have seen the squares (as above) I have seen heavy rain clouds literally steered away from certain areas where they were headed, determinedly diverted off their natural course by the interference of equally heavy scalar activity. See my previous article on the Mary Valley.

I have seen the tell-tale hazy chemtrail rainbows, also those that now appear round the sun and the moon, which indicates some form of chemical in the atmosphere. Until a few years ago this was an affect my family and I had never seen before. If you look, sooner or later you will notice these things also.

(left) Hazy sun rainbow (right) Chemtrail rainbow


It is daunting to watch as clouds are methodically and uniformly rowed-up to form long streaks heading in the opposite direction to all the other clouds present! Sometimes the rows are all bunched up in groupings of lines all heading in different directions! Watching normal cloud transform into square cuts (an affect that nature cannot achieve without help), and seeing the fine meshed grids, and ‘lacey’ looking clouds suddenly appear out of a previously formless cloud mass is quite un-nerving. I have also seen the dirty haze in our sky that never used to be there prior to the ‘trails’. I have to say I do NOT like what I am seeing, and I am NOT convinced weather manipulation is the ONLY purpose for which this these chemical trails and all this scalar in our skies is being used.

With this new ‘covert’ technology, experts say the potential for mind-control on a mass scale is now possible – maybe even probable! The equipment to carry out this function is very likely already in place in certain nations…..possibly ALL nations can be subjected to global space-based equipment mind-control frequencies, and of course there is also HAARP

I’m sure you’d have to agree there is definitely the potential for the unscrupulous agents of the New World Order to mentally enslave whole populations with merely the twist of a few dials……if it suited them to do so!

This HAARP facility in Alaska has the potential for mind-control on a mass scale.

But who would know for sure what ‘they’re up to’….they ain’t telling, but I do know for certain that none of these covert activities are for the greater good of humanity, and on scalar days I awaken feeling ‘seedy’ as though I’m suffering a ‘morning-after’ hangover… alcohol is NOT involved here. Before even opening my eyes, I can predict if there will be scalar in the early morning sky or not, simply by the way I am feeling. Others who are sensitive to energy have reported the same affect. Not only that, various known chemicals in the chemtrail ‘gunge’ (aluminum and barium to name a couple of them) make some people feel quite ill, and leave others feeling depressed. It can also restrict lung functioning and the ability to breathe properly.

But all of this is just another aspect of the ugly ‘greater’ story this music video pretty much sums up!

Power Game

Have you been feeling ‘seedy’ like Lime?

Could you be suffering the ‘barium blues?

If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, you may like to check out these further sites of interest:

All the best for 2007 – the year 9/11 scam will all come unstuck for the perpetrators – which it has to do, as we are now in the time of the great revealing, and as such we could be in a bumpy ride! So fasten your seat-belts and let the ‘fun’ begin!

Lime - January 7th 2007

Friday, November 24, 2006

How Green Is My Valley?
Part 3
We continue with a ‘wink and a nudge’
and friends in high places.
As the residents of the Mary Valley know, a short time after Premier Beattie was re-elected; the desperately needed rain finally came to the valley. Perhaps the ‘King’ felt rather confident again and gave the valley a reprieve? With the pressure off him, and with more time up his sleeves, perhaps he felt he could bide his time a little with regard to this Traveston Dam proposal? Perhaps his ‘weather favour’ ran out….or has been put on hold for if or when he needs to put the squeeze back on those in the valley?

There are those who believe, having won his election, King Beattie is now taking time to look into more viable locations for his dam, and that he never had any intention of building a dam at Traveston at all, that his proposal to do so was merely an election ploy to win him favour with his constituents.

We may never know for sure about any of this, but we do know there are times when even honest politicians will go to great lengths to remain in their positions of power. We know Beattie was prepared for a backlash from the Mary Valley, he told us as all this much in a news headline Thursday, July 6, 2006 ABC Newsonline
Headline - Thursday, July 6, 2006 ABC Newsonline
Beattie ready for backlash over dam decisions
As residents on the Logan and Mary rivers absorb the dam announcements of the past two days, Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he is prepared for the political fallout. Mr Beattie faced four hours of anger and abuse yesterday in Gympie, in the state's south-east.

Prepared in what way? Did Beattie go to the lengths I am suggesting is possible here? Well of course this is for you the reader to decide, but if you have read the links I have provided, and done a little thinking for yourself, you will know this much; Covert weather control is being carried out on a global scale, and here in Australia we are not exempt. (See part 1 and 2). So is it really too much of a stretch to imagine that a person in the know about such things – a person who needs a favour – may speak to somebody in a position to be able to help a desperate State Premier hatch a crafty plan? A plan whereby a Premier may never have to face the wrath of those who might otherwise fight to the end to keep him from flooding their land for a silly dam, dam?

There are more questions we may need to ponder here.
Wouldn’t it be a sick irony if Beattie had spoken to someone with the capacity to see to it that those in the Mary Valley were literally ‘droughted’ off their land long before Beattie managed to flood them out?

How long would it take before desperate people would feel the ‘economic pinch’ to the extent that they would not hesitate to sell their land to the State Government for perhaps less than its current market values?

If were possible (and I believe it is), wouldn’t a drought be the ideal way to force unsuspecting people to leave their land…. willingly…..without a fight……accepting whatever was offered just to avoid further stress?

Is it possible Beattie did a bit of a ‘drought’ test run’ to see if he could distract attention away from his dam proposal? No rain – no pasture – no money – no fight?

I personally witnessed the scalar, the chemtrails and the drying up of the countryside, and I asked myself one other very important question. “If this drought was artificially induced (and I believe it was), then who stands to gain from causing such a thing in the Mary Valley”? I’m afraid I came up with only answer I could to this question. But of course I may be wrong, and out of a sense of credulity, there is little doubt others will dismiss my thoughts as those of a ‘loony’ with merely the flick of a wrist. But then, what if I’m right………….

Beattie – A King, or the Prince of Darkness?

………..and in case you are thinking I have wondered off into ‘loony land’.... or completely lost my marbles, it may be sobering at this point to read what a former US Secretary of Defense had to say back in 1997 about such things as ‘weather weapons’ as we have been discussing here, and ponder whether he was loony also?

Sobering indeed coming from the man who was in charge of the entire US weapons arsenal 10 years back…..Cohen (if a loony) was indeed a well respected one, trusted by presidents and the US people to hold one of the most important political positions,and expected to know he was talking about.

To my mind, nothing that I have proposed is any bigger stretch of the imagination than what Secretary of State Cohen had to say is it? To assume Australia may be taking part in a US initiated, joint ‘covert’ operation to experiment with weather altering technology…..and that Beattie may have known ‘somebody’ involved, is not really an ‘over the top’ suggestion when viewed in light of what we do know, We know that the United States already operates at three major bases in Australia (South Australia at Nurranger near Woomera), another in New South Wales, and the ‘big-daddy’ at Pine Gap) not to mention other bases where they carry out joint activities with the Australian military (Tully Qld, at the foothills of the southern slopes of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface. "This 'Top Secret' base is entirely financed by the United States Government, and is officially known as the Joint Defense Space Research Facility……also known as Pine Gap…..and we’ve never been told the full story about this top secret base and its 800 personnel have we?

In his farewell message to the US nation, President Eisenhower warned of the danger posed by the uncontrolled ambition and greed of the US (and transnational) “military industrial complex”, so we know it is possible weather control experiments are taking place at any one of these Australian bases under “military industrial complex parameters”, and if we need any further proof of what is possible with the weapons now available that are capable of conducting these experiments, we need only look at the radar images that clearly show scalar signatures were involved in the formation and ‘directing’ of hurricane Katrina. With undisclosed, covert technology of such advanced capabilities to play round with, it is easy for those with uncontrolled ambition in control our weather. It is easy to assist a hurricane to gain strength, and then direct it inland to wreck havoc on the people of a city like New Orleans in 2005.

When the vast majority is ‘blind’ to the activities of a few ambitious men in positions of power, it is easy to get away with many things, even things cleverly concealed in plain sight.

Scalar Interferometers at work – Radar evidence shows Hurricane Katrina was no ‘normal’ storm!
New Orleans was
treated to an artificially controlled scalar weather attack.
Looking at this radar, do you think Cohen is RIGHT?

Again I ask “who would stand to gain from such an attack on the people of New Orleans”?

There is no need to look far for the answer.
NOTICE: To those in the Mary Valley.

Although this dam is still hanging over your heads in the Mary, at least for now the rain is coming often enough to ease some of your stress. But whatever happens from here on, dam or no dam, be strong and NEVER give up your resistance while keeping one eye on the sky, the other on Beattie. If you see the tell-tale chemtrail and scalar signatures in your skies again, yell long and hard at ANYONE who will listen. Use your Internet to share this story with the world… like fury, and tell everyone you can to think of what is going on in your beautiful valley. Most importantly, tell Beattie to “turn off the heat” as you know his dam game plan, you’re ‘calling his number’ and he won’t get away with it!

Meanwhile our thoughts of love are with you all, and our concern also extends to all the endangered wildlife that will perish if the proposed Traveston dam goes ahead. The world needs to know about the threatened survival of your ancient Lungfish, indigenous only to the Mary and Burnett River systems. This is another important story the world needs to hear but, but I cannot do it justice here, so instead I’ll do include the following information with some links for those who are interested.

Lungfish offers vision of Earth before the dinosaurs.
ONE of the oldest living species on Earth may hold the key to helping us look at our environment in a whole new way.
The eel-like Australian lungfish, which is listed as vulnerable to extinction, is believed by scientists to be the "missing link" between fish and amphibians because it also surfaces to breathe air.
University of Queensland biology PhD researcher Helena Bailes said the lungfish had the genes for five forms of light-sensing pigment in their eyes while humans had only three forms.
The discovery could one day help humans gain a better understanding of how the world looked before dinosaurs.

Other endangered Mary River Catchment fauna threatened by Traveston dam proposal

Stay vigilant and watch the
we have not yet reached
of this saga!

NOTE: It has not gone un-noticed that presently the Mary Valley has gone more than 3 weeks without rain again, and although this may be a natural weather pattern, it may not be also. I am wondering if the 'heat' has been turned up on the valley again as Beattie continues on with his plans for a dam. As I am not there to monitor the skies for the tell-tale signs of artificial weather control, I suggest the residents of the valley keep an eye on the sky themselves. Should you see anything that looks 'suspicious' (chemtrails or scalar interferometry as described in the links I have provided) you are invited to send photos of this activity (with times and dates) to this email address and I will publish them on this blog. This way together we can monitor the situation.
Please keep photo the files small.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How Green Is My Valley?
Part 2
The Saga gets weirder

In Part1 I explained how scalar weather control and chemtrails had been significantly altering the climate and causing drought conditions in the Mary Valley, of South East Queensland, Australia. As if a drought wasn’t difficult enough to deal with, there was something more ominous hanging over the heads of the valley residents.

In the same time-frame that this artificially induced drought was ‘happening’, Queensland’s Premier, Mr. Peter Beattie, announced to his Brisbane constituents (via the media), he had come up with a solution to his city’s long-term water shortages, his present “water crisis”……an announcement the residents of the Mary Valley heard for the first time at the very same time as those in Brisbane – an announcement that was set to radically change the course of not only the water in the valley, but the lives of those who live there.

This announcement was a clanger! Beattie on behalf of the Queensland Government had put out a proposal to build a mega-dam at Traveston Crossing - a dam more than 1.3 times the area of Sydney Harbour (see below) using the flow of the Mary River to flood the valley!

Sydney Harbour.
Photo courtesy of

This unexpected ‘Mother of All Proposals’ would necessitate the inundation of the central Mary Valley, a strategy that would see nearly a thousand rural landowners and residents forced off their land if it were to go ahead.

As you might imagine, this idea went down like the proverbial ‘lead balloon’ in the Mary Valley….and so it should have, it was (and still is) the most preposterous, ill-though-out, scientifically un-sound plan most had ever heard!

For an overview of this on-going debacle see:

Well they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and Premier Beattie is living proof of this statement – as half-baked, ill-thought and ‘knee-jerk’ (not to mention utterly stupid) as his dam proposal is, it won Beattie favour within his own Brisbane electorate, whom if they even thought about it at all, saw the devastation of a beautiful, fertile valley and the displacement of many hundreds of hard working folk as a small price to pay for the solution to Brisbane’s ‘water problems’.

On the 9th September 2006 Premier Beattie won his fourth term in office, and the folks in Brisbane all sighed with relief that they would one day soon be able to leisurely hose their cars on their driveways once more – Beattie had pledged his dedication to solving their water shortages!

September 9th 2006 - A jubilant Peter Beattie celebrates his fourth election victory with Queensland’s ‘first family’ - his son Denis, left, daughter Larissa, wife Heather and son Matthew.Photo: Paul Harris, Courtesy Sydney Morning Herald.

So what’s all this got to do with our opening discussion on scalar weather manipulation? Stick round and we’ll explore things a little more!

Think about this for a moment. You’re a State Premier and you’re dead keen (or under pressure?) to remain in power for another term… yet you have a problem, a very serious problem which you must take care of – your constituents, some of whom are corporate investors/developers (BIG business) all want to cash in on the popularity of the ‘moving upstate’ trend in Australia. Brisbane has become a very favoured place to live, but for multi-million dollar development plans to proceed to cater for all the newcomers, Brisbane needs more water, and lots of it! Progress means stretching and adding to the existent infrastructure. Brisbane’s water infrastructure has been barely adequate for some time, so something had to be done….and done fast! As a state Premier, YOU must see to this dilemma or you have little to no chance of being re-elected. You must assure your voters (and those with business clout) you have come up with a solution to the ‘water crisis’ – a solution, you assure them, that will guarantee an endless supply of water for Brisbane and that cities future development needs in the decades ahead.

When I bracketed Beattie being “under pressure” (above) what I meant was this. Not only is our weather controlled; politicians are controlled too. Although politicians like Beattie are the public face of our political ‘system’ they are in reality just stooges who take their orders from further up the hierarchal command-chain…. like we all do. As such, politicians are paid (in more ways than one) to follow orders sent down from ‘on high’ first, and their voters second. Beattie is no exception - he MUST follow the directorate of the ‘money boys’ or face the squeeze. It is quite possible Beattie was threatened in various ways to ‘get the job done’ or else! In other words, politicians do a lot of ‘dirty-work’ for’ the unseen hands with a lot of money and power. Power hungry politicians will do almost anything to stay in power

$ $ $ $ $

So the sorting out of Brisbane’s water problem was very likely a King’s assignment metered out to good King Beattie – it was HIS problem to solve. His reward? Most likely ‘keeping face’ within his Kingdom, and certain re-election – quite possibly other rewards we may never know about too!

To Brisbane residents (who only wanted to be able to use their hoses for gawds sake), Beattie had seemingly come up with a plan that would do just that. It was of little interest to Brisbanites where their water came from, as long as they got it.

It is my belief that King Beattie was put under-the-gun (so to speak) and he dodged the bullets rather nicely by dooming the Mary Valley to a ‘great flood’ of not-quite-biblical proportions! That is, if the Mary River is even capable of flooding an area the size of the Sydney Harbour…..but then that’s another whole story!

Please note that the Mary Valley is well out of Beattie’s own Brisbane Central electorate, so the bleatings of a few desperate country-folk was of very little interest to Brisbane voters who were prepared to back Beattie’s daft dam scheme…..or is that dam daft scheme?

But alas, like any King with a ‘great plan’, Beattie would have known there would be those who would oppose his wondrous idea…..especially THIS idea, the logistics of which required that around 1000 households (containing people Mr. Beattie!) be displaced, in addition to the many square kilometers of fertile land that would be flooded out of existence! Beattie knew the residents of the rural communities involved in this daft dam plan – those whose lives would be forever changed - would not take this news lying down, and indeed could make his life very difficult indeed!

But Kings do not become Kings without good support – most on ‘lofty perches’ have sold at least a portion of their soul to get there – many get to the top at the expense of most of their moral fortitude. Did this happen to Beattie? By necessity, political leaders have unseen ‘friends’ and allies in high-places, not least of whom are those who control from the hidden realms. When in trouble, it is not a stretch to imagine a Premier calling on some of these ‘friends’ (especially those whose best interest is also in seeing the construction of a mega-dam) to help put together ANOTHER plan to effectively take care of such pesky obstacles as ‘people resistance’. I believe this was likely the case with Beattie’s dam plan.

Plan number two in the pipeline?

Please be sure to read part 3, the final part of this saga.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How Green Is My Valley?
Part 1
The Saga of the Mary Valley

Yesterday as I was driving, I looked up and was peeved to see scalar cloud formations back in our local sky again. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them – it seems ‘the boys with the toys’ have been very busy elsewhere of late, which means our area had a bit of a break from the phony weather patterns which pass for real weather these days.

Weather manipulation - Typical scalar cloud

Earlier this year we had quite a nasty scalar-induced drought - not quite where I live on the coast of South East Queensland - but a little further inland in a normally lush, picturesque rural area known as The Mary Valley – a valley not only famous for its “Rattler” steam-train and its many elderly bridges (that tend to disappear or collapse when the water rises), but also its prolific fruit and vegetable growing and cattle raising ventures. All this happens in the valley due to the subtropical micro-climate that prevails out there, and as the locals say, “When it rains, it bloody pours out ‘ere mate”!

But the rain in the valley stopped this year, and when the locals spoke amongst themselves down at their local pub, the resounding question on everyone’s lips was…. “Geez, when’s it gonna bloody rain”?

It really was dreadful to see this normally lush valley looking so arid and parched, and I can only imagine how the local community must have been feeling, watching on hopelessly as their pastures turned dusty brown, and their fruit trees and pineapple bushes wilted in the wind and unrelenting sun – a weather ‘crisis’ they endured for many months on end with no rain in sight. By August, even those who started with full water dams and irrigation systems (for pastures and stock) were really feeling the pinch.

Although it’s highly unlikely this hard-working ‘spades-a-spade’ rural community fully understood what was happening to their normally accommodating climate, those of us who’ve studied scalar technologies knew exactly what was going on out there, the moment we looked up!

Scalar manipulated cloud over Imbil in the Mary Valley during the drought – these clouds were literally cut up and ‘herded’ away from the area. There’ll be no rain here today!
Photo taken late morning 28th August 2006.

By August this year, the residents of the Mary Valley were almost at the end of their tether with the drought, and during a visit to an Imbil property on the 28th (the day we took the above photo), the people we bumped into were at the point of ‘willing’ it to rain. “Even a mil would help” they said.

Earlier in the morning of that day (the 28th) we’d heard a weather forecast that indicated the strong likelihood of rain for the Mary Valley that day. It was while we were waiting with hope and expectation for the rain to arrive, we witnessed – and not for the first time - scalar interferometers at work in the Imbil sky. On two other occasions we’d seen similar patterns ‘start forming’ (indicating artificial manipulation) in the clouds above Imbil, and on this particular day the stuck around into the early evening, effectively preventing the BOM’s (Bureau of Meteorology) predicted precipitation over the Mary Valley. On one of those previous occasions when we had witnessed scalar activity (mid-week late July) we’d also seen a series of chemtrails being laid by a high-altitude aircraft – so high in fact we couldn’t actually see the craft itself, just the trails it was leaving behind it. They were NOT normal contrails, and there were enough of these rogue trails in evidence for us to acknowledge that this area of the sky was being thoroughly ‘worked over’.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are new to the subject of scalar weather manipulation and covert aerial chemical spraying, please refer to the links in the references at the bottom of part 1

Anyway, back to the scalar ‘attack’ on the 28th August - We spoke by telephone to my daughter back on the coast, and asked her to check the BOM Internet site to see if there was any sign of the predicted rain coming our way. She reported back to us a little later “yes”, she was tracking moderate to heavy rain steadily making its way straight towards us as it headed in a North-Westerly direction up the inland coastal area. By her estimates it looked as though it would reach us within the hour. Indeed, within the next half hour from a high vantage point, we could see the rain approaching from the south, but as we watched in dismay, it seemed clear to us the rain that was meant to fall on the valley, was in fact being ‘mysteriously’ diverted away from us. At this stage, there was still tell-tale scalar “cuts” in the moderate cloud present above us, and as more time passed, from where we stood watching, some of the rain cloud to the east of us had traveled northward dropping rain to the north of us, and some cloud had been diverted round us and was heading inland and providing rain for those areas. Not one drop fell in the Mary Valley that day!

By now we were getting quite angry. As you can imagine, when rain is so badly needed, the frustration of watching it fall in the surrounding areas (where rain has not been lacking), was enormous!

By 6pm that evening, it seemed quite obvious the valley was being prevented from getting any rain at all, so I again phoned my daughter and asked her to go back on to the BOM site and take a screen-capture of what was visible on the radar loop at that time – something I should have asked her to do earlier. However, the evidence of interference was clearly still present on radar, and below is one of those captures - even to those unfamiliar with scalar weather control, it should be obvious something is very wrong here.

Screen capture taken from the BOM site at 6.10pm August 28th where you can quite clearly see how the rain that should be falling on the drought stricken Mary Valley is being deliberately steered inland and away from where it was needed the most

But as bad as this lack of rain was to the good folk on the land in ‘The Mary’, something even more disturbing was keeping many of them awake at night - Something more devastating for the people, the wildlife and the land.

References for Part 1.

The Weather Wars website is by far the best ‘first port of call’ for those who wish to learn
about weather manipulation. Please take your time and have a good look
round this site, and don’t forget to check out the archives section.

Colonel Tom Bearden’s comprehensive website is worth a visit.
This link will take you directly to his pages on weather weapons.

Gaiaguys have a lot of information on weather manipulation, particularly in regional Australia.

For further information Google “chemtrails” and “chemtrails over Australia”.

Please go to part 2 link in the right-hand side bar.