Thursday, November 16, 2006

How Green Is My Valley?
Part 2
The Saga gets weirder

In Part1 I explained how scalar weather control and chemtrails had been significantly altering the climate and causing drought conditions in the Mary Valley, of South East Queensland, Australia. As if a drought wasn’t difficult enough to deal with, there was something more ominous hanging over the heads of the valley residents.

In the same time-frame that this artificially induced drought was ‘happening’, Queensland’s Premier, Mr. Peter Beattie, announced to his Brisbane constituents (via the media), he had come up with a solution to his city’s long-term water shortages, his present “water crisis”……an announcement the residents of the Mary Valley heard for the first time at the very same time as those in Brisbane – an announcement that was set to radically change the course of not only the water in the valley, but the lives of those who live there.

This announcement was a clanger! Beattie on behalf of the Queensland Government had put out a proposal to build a mega-dam at Traveston Crossing - a dam more than 1.3 times the area of Sydney Harbour (see below) using the flow of the Mary River to flood the valley!

Sydney Harbour.
Photo courtesy of

This unexpected ‘Mother of All Proposals’ would necessitate the inundation of the central Mary Valley, a strategy that would see nearly a thousand rural landowners and residents forced off their land if it were to go ahead.

As you might imagine, this idea went down like the proverbial ‘lead balloon’ in the Mary Valley….and so it should have, it was (and still is) the most preposterous, ill-though-out, scientifically un-sound plan most had ever heard!

For an overview of this on-going debacle see:

Well they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and Premier Beattie is living proof of this statement – as half-baked, ill-thought and ‘knee-jerk’ (not to mention utterly stupid) as his dam proposal is, it won Beattie favour within his own Brisbane electorate, whom if they even thought about it at all, saw the devastation of a beautiful, fertile valley and the displacement of many hundreds of hard working folk as a small price to pay for the solution to Brisbane’s ‘water problems’.

On the 9th September 2006 Premier Beattie won his fourth term in office, and the folks in Brisbane all sighed with relief that they would one day soon be able to leisurely hose their cars on their driveways once more – Beattie had pledged his dedication to solving their water shortages!

September 9th 2006 - A jubilant Peter Beattie celebrates his fourth election victory with Queensland’s ‘first family’ - his son Denis, left, daughter Larissa, wife Heather and son Matthew.Photo: Paul Harris, Courtesy Sydney Morning Herald.

So what’s all this got to do with our opening discussion on scalar weather manipulation? Stick round and we’ll explore things a little more!

Think about this for a moment. You’re a State Premier and you’re dead keen (or under pressure?) to remain in power for another term… yet you have a problem, a very serious problem which you must take care of – your constituents, some of whom are corporate investors/developers (BIG business) all want to cash in on the popularity of the ‘moving upstate’ trend in Australia. Brisbane has become a very favoured place to live, but for multi-million dollar development plans to proceed to cater for all the newcomers, Brisbane needs more water, and lots of it! Progress means stretching and adding to the existent infrastructure. Brisbane’s water infrastructure has been barely adequate for some time, so something had to be done….and done fast! As a state Premier, YOU must see to this dilemma or you have little to no chance of being re-elected. You must assure your voters (and those with business clout) you have come up with a solution to the ‘water crisis’ – a solution, you assure them, that will guarantee an endless supply of water for Brisbane and that cities future development needs in the decades ahead.

When I bracketed Beattie being “under pressure” (above) what I meant was this. Not only is our weather controlled; politicians are controlled too. Although politicians like Beattie are the public face of our political ‘system’ they are in reality just stooges who take their orders from further up the hierarchal command-chain…. like we all do. As such, politicians are paid (in more ways than one) to follow orders sent down from ‘on high’ first, and their voters second. Beattie is no exception - he MUST follow the directorate of the ‘money boys’ or face the squeeze. It is quite possible Beattie was threatened in various ways to ‘get the job done’ or else! In other words, politicians do a lot of ‘dirty-work’ for’ the unseen hands with a lot of money and power. Power hungry politicians will do almost anything to stay in power

$ $ $ $ $

So the sorting out of Brisbane’s water problem was very likely a King’s assignment metered out to good King Beattie – it was HIS problem to solve. His reward? Most likely ‘keeping face’ within his Kingdom, and certain re-election – quite possibly other rewards we may never know about too!

To Brisbane residents (who only wanted to be able to use their hoses for gawds sake), Beattie had seemingly come up with a plan that would do just that. It was of little interest to Brisbanites where their water came from, as long as they got it.

It is my belief that King Beattie was put under-the-gun (so to speak) and he dodged the bullets rather nicely by dooming the Mary Valley to a ‘great flood’ of not-quite-biblical proportions! That is, if the Mary River is even capable of flooding an area the size of the Sydney Harbour…..but then that’s another whole story!

Please note that the Mary Valley is well out of Beattie’s own Brisbane Central electorate, so the bleatings of a few desperate country-folk was of very little interest to Brisbane voters who were prepared to back Beattie’s daft dam scheme…..or is that dam daft scheme?

But alas, like any King with a ‘great plan’, Beattie would have known there would be those who would oppose his wondrous idea…..especially THIS idea, the logistics of which required that around 1000 households (containing people Mr. Beattie!) be displaced, in addition to the many square kilometers of fertile land that would be flooded out of existence! Beattie knew the residents of the rural communities involved in this daft dam plan – those whose lives would be forever changed - would not take this news lying down, and indeed could make his life very difficult indeed!

But Kings do not become Kings without good support – most on ‘lofty perches’ have sold at least a portion of their soul to get there – many get to the top at the expense of most of their moral fortitude. Did this happen to Beattie? By necessity, political leaders have unseen ‘friends’ and allies in high-places, not least of whom are those who control from the hidden realms. When in trouble, it is not a stretch to imagine a Premier calling on some of these ‘friends’ (especially those whose best interest is also in seeing the construction of a mega-dam) to help put together ANOTHER plan to effectively take care of such pesky obstacles as ‘people resistance’. I believe this was likely the case with Beattie’s dam plan.

Plan number two in the pipeline?

Please be sure to read part 3, the final part of this saga.


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